Dove Chocolate wisdom for today..."Take an extra deep breath whenever you need it"...that had to be written with mothers in mind!! Surely I'm not the only one worn out at the end of the week...while its been a fairly good week around here (minus Hannah the Liar and Emily the Incredibly Slow Eater), its still been tiring! I'm not sure that will change anytime soon though...oh say, for the next 15 years! I guess I'd hate to be bored....
I'm glad to report that we're full into the swing of school - every morning gets easier & easier as far as getting my 4 little soldiers through our [carefully orchestrated] routine...I absolutely love it that my kids hop right out when we pull up in front of school, yell "love you Mom" and run in - what more could I ask for?! I think its every parents' dream to have happy, healthy, well-rounded kids - we've got that times 4 in our house!
We've got a pretty quiet weekend planned - no complaints about the quiet part :) We went to the K of C for dinner tonight - the kids ate great! Hannah absolutely cleaned her plate of shrimp & chips...she said "I'm not going to be wasteful"...amen sister! We were going to go to the 1st WHS football game tonight but decided to wait until true football weather, i.e. sweatshirts & jeans, instead of going in shorts & Tshirts. Nick was worried that he'd get in trouble though b/c his teacher said he "had" to go to the game and wear black & gold - it was really hard to convince him that the football game wasn't homework!
The rest of the weekend will be spent on laundry (me), cleaning (me & the girls), mowing (Shane), working on the race truck (Shane & Nick) and some fun stuff...watching movies as a family and I have a bridal shower to go to (cousin Trent Otto's fiancee') on Sunday. I'll try to take some good pics to post soon.
16 years ago
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