Friday, January 16, 2009

Alright already...

I know, I know...its been awhile since I many of you have been "reminding" me :) So, Mom, Peg, Jen, etc - this one's for you!

Shane & I had a blast last weekend in Indy w/ Steph & Stacy! Our first stop was delivering toys to Riley Hospital - Shane's work (MasterBrand Cabinets) had several gifts left over following their children's Christmas party and they decided to donate them. Riley holds a special place in Shane's heart since Katie was treated for an umbilical hemmorage when she was less than 2 mos. old. The staff person we delivered them to was so appreciative which just added to the experience.

After a little drama checking into the Westin (apparently didn't feel like passing our reservations on to the actual hotel - novel idea huh?!), we settled in to our upgraded-at-no-charge rooms then headed out to Circle Centre Mall for a little shopping. BTW - for anyone staying in downtown Indy in the winter, I highly recommend the Westin not only b/c its a fab hotel but b/c its connected by skywalks to Circle Centre! After a little shopping, we dropped off our goods then headed out to dinner at Harry & Izzy's - good food but a little pricey. After going across the street to Ram Brewery to watch a little football, we all agreed we'd eat there next time b/c the food looked awesome and was definitely more reasonable...the huge flatscreen TVs sure didn't hurt either :) After watching another football upset (so sorry about your luck Titans), we headed over to Howl At The Moon - we absolutely LOVE that place!! Those musicians are soooo talented - most played more than one instrument - and they're all such showmen...involving the crowd and singing absolutely any song request that was turned into them. Here's some great pics from our night out...
Shane singing along w/ the crowd

After breakfast the next morning, we headed home and gathered up our kiddos then spent the afternoon doing laundry, straightening up, etc.

This week hasn't been that exciting...Shane has been leading a kaizen event at work so he didn't get home until after 9 most evenings. I joined him & some of his co-workers at the Schnitz in Jasper for dinner last night - yum! Due to the bitter cold, we've had 2 hour school delays yesterday & today so at least I could be with the kids a little more than usual. Tonight, we're all sitting here in the dark watching a movie...ok, so I'm half watching it as I blog...multi-tasking at its finest! Not a lot going on this weekend - the twins each have a bowling party to go to for a classmate - Hannah tomorrow & Emily on Sunday. Other than that, should be nice, quiet weekend - my favorite kind!

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