Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fun, fun in the winter sun!

Nick eating snow...not the yellow kind!

"Fun" isn't something I usually associate w/ winter but we had some serious fun today! Lot's of sledding, shoveling, digging, etc. etc. Our kids totally reminded me of how totally cool a "snow day" can an adult/parent, I tend to dread winter weather since it usually leads to school delays/cancellations, horrible roads, blah blah blah - but, today, I thoroughly had a good time in the snow!

Hannah & Katie

Nick & Emily

Shane showing us how its done!

Some other random pictures from the past week...

What started out as Shane showing Nick some wrestling moves...ended up in a Matthews Family Piggy Pile!

The Beasley birthday kids...minus Kayna (1/17) who couldn't be there...Roger (2/2), Lauren (1/22), Hannah B (2/22), Chas (1/23), Gma B (2/8) and Chris (2/11)
Hannah at her friend's bowling birthday party...

Nick trying out his "Incredible Hulk" bathtime chemistry set...
Hope everyone is warm & safe tonight!


Chelsa said...

brycen has the chemistry set too, his is spiderman! he lovesss it!

Chelsa said...

brycen has the chemistry set too, his is spiderman! he lovesss it!

Jen said...

I logged on to my computer just bc I knew you would have an update since you were snowed in and I was right!!!!!

Wish you all were closer. Alex would have had a blast with all of that sledding.