Monday, November 17, 2008

Setting records

Well - we had a couple of record-breaking events today...good and not-so-good!

First - the GOOD (which is where we should always focus right?!)....drum roll please...Nick has stayed on "green" for 3 days in a row!!!! He only stayed on green 3 times the entire month of October so we're on quite the roll! At the kids' elementary, the younger classes measure behavior w/ 3 colors - green = good, yellow = couple of warnings, red = obviously, not so good. For the most part, Nick is a yellow kid w/ an occasional foray into the underworld of red but not lately!!! GREEN GREEN GREEN...that's our mantra!

Now, the not so good...we had another indoor soccer game tonight and we lost - AGAIN. We're officially the worst team in our division...our record is 0-5. The worst part of the whole thing is we're a really good team but we can't catch a break! If there's a mistake to be had, we'll find it :) Oh well, the kids are great and the parents don't blame me so I guess we'll survive the second half of the competitive side isn't too happy though!

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